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Why Your Company Needs an In-House Sales Academy for Unmatched Growth?

Did you know that investing in professional skills can boost your sales by 20%?

Yet, many companies struggle to provide the right resources for their global teams. That’s where the Sales Academy comes in.

Think of it like learning to cook at home versus dining out. Our Sales Academy offers all the tools and recipes your team needs to succeed. Want to drive growth, launch new products, or adapt to market changes? The Sales Academy has you covered.

It will boost your sales, set goals, train your team consistently, coach them, or find new talent. Creating an in-house Sales Academy is the way to go if you have more than 30 salespeople.

Continuous Sales Improvement: The Power of an In-House Sales Academy

Think of it like a gym membership for your sales team—it’s not just about occasional workouts but continuous improvement and support. Remote work has made people feel isolated, so now it’s crucial to have senior teams acting as coaches and mentors to provide feedback, motivation, and guidance. By integrating coaching into the Sales Academy, learning becomes a continuous process, building core capabilities rigorously while staying agile enough to adapt to rapid market and industry changes.

Elevate Your Team: The Benefits of a Structured Sales Academy

Enter the Sales Academy. It offers structured programs for all experience levels and focuses on career progression. This helps keep your best people while building a continuous learning culture. It’s like having a personal trainer for your sales team, helping them stay fit and agile in a fast-changing market.

Unifying Your Team: The Power of a Sales Academy

A Sales Academy also unifies your team with a common language, so customer service, marketing, and product development can work together seamlessly. It shows a top-down commitment to professional selling, building trust and engagement within your team.

Remember, selling happens everywhere—not just in traditional roles. Those who implement and fix customer solutions often understand customer needs best. Tapping into this potential can significantly boost your sales capabilities.

So, what are the key benefits of a Sales Academy?

  1. – Boosts Revenue Growth: Like a well-oiled machine, it helps your sales team hit their targets faster.
  2. – Builds Client Relationships: Upskilling your team helps them navigate complex sales and stand out in competitive markets.
  3. – Supports Career Progression: Clear paths for growth reduce turnover and support succession planning.
  4. – Delivers Targeted Training: Tailored coaching keeps your team motivated and skilled.
  5. – Creates a Common Language: Ensures all departments are on the same page, improving teamwork and efficiency.

If you want to lead in customer growth and satisfaction, build a Sales Academy that delivers results and creates the right environment for your team to thrive contact us.

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How to Predict New Sales Hire Success?

What is the most accurate pre-hiring sales assessment that select closers and How Does it Help Predict New Sales Hire Success?

The Objective Management Group (OMG) is a leading provider of sales hiring assessments. It helps companies predict the success of new sales hires by assessing their skills and qualities. The Pre-hiring Sales Assessment uses a variety of techniques to evaluate potential candidates, such as interviews, personality tests, and aptitude tests. The assessment measures how well a candidate is likely to perform in the role they are being hired for, allowing employers to make better decisions when it comes to hiring sales personnel. Additionally, the OMG Sales Assessment provides valuable feedback on the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses so that employers can better understand their skillset and develop them further if needed. By using the OMG Sales Assessment, companies can ensure they are making the right decision when it comes to hiring new sales personnel and increase their chances of success in this field.

How the Sales Assessment Helps Identify Four Key Characteristics in a Successful Closer

The Sales Assessment is an effective tool for identifying the four key characteristics that make a successful closer. This assessment process helps employers identify candidates who have the right competencies and skills to succeed in sales roles. It evaluates potential hires based on criteria such as self-motivation, hunting skills, problem-solving abilities, and reacing decision makers abilities. The Sales Assessment also provides valuable insights into how candidates handle challenging situations and how they respond to pressure. By analyzing these four key characteristics, employers can make more informed hiring decisions and ensure they are bringing on the right people for their sales team.

Using predictive Reports to Leverage Data for Smarter Hiring Decisions

This a powerful tool for making data-driven decisions when it comes to hiring. By leveraging data from the Reports, companies can make smarter, more informed hiring decisions that will help them find the right talent for their organization.

The OMG Hiring Insights Report provides an in-depth analysis of the candidate’s skills and experience, as well as their potential fit for the role. The report also offers predictive analytics to identify which candidates are most likely to succeed in a given role. Additionally, it provides detailed insights into how a candidate’s skills and experience align with the company’s hiring goals. With these insights, employers can make better-informed decisions about who they should hire.

The Benefits of Using sales centric and predictive assessment when hiring sales people with Objective Management Group

Objective Management Group (OMG) provides sales centric and predictive assessment tools to help employers find the best candidates for their sales positions. By using these assessments, employers can identify the most qualified applicants, measure their skills and abilities, and predict how successful they will be in the role. This helps to ensure that only the best candidates are hired for sales positions, which can lead to improved performance and higher customer satisfaction. The assessments also provide insight into what makes a successful sales person so that employers can tailor their hiring process accordingly. With OMG’s assessments, employers can make sure they are hiring the right people for their sales roles with confidence.

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4 Reasons why an In-house academy is worth the investment

4 Reasons why an In-house academy is worth the investment


Why An Academy?

1- Institutionalisation of Leadership, Sales and Customer Service Effectiveness
2- The practice in-house of the latest sales and sales management techniques at the lowest cost
3- New employees are exposed to the same techniques and speak the same language



  • On-boarding newcomers
  • Enhancing the capabilities of current employees at all levels
  • Empower your L&D department with the ability to :
    • Train every single employee with minimal investment
    • Training programs tailor-made to your business needs through role plays and on the job assignments
                      • Follow the performance of every employee through skills assessment and on the job KPI’s performance
                      • Access internationally accredited content and programs


You don’t have to worry, we have built-in 40 Courses to deliver through your trainers in-house or blended to be taken on demand by your employees.

Course are dedicated to be delivered to :

  • new comers
  • employees
  • middle managers
  • managers

Talent & Skills Assessments

Talent & Skills Survey assess the level of talent among employees and recommend actions for development and sustainability.

The survey is online based

• Each employee will log in online
• Questionnaire will take around 45 minutes to be submitted
• Each user will login with his username and password and submit the survey


Performance Report





Support All year long




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How to Monitor your Margins for Better Profitability

How to Monitor your Margins for Better Profitability

If you’re not satisfied with your current profit margin then it could be time the company reassesses its current offering to clients. If you’re in the business of producing products, for instance, could you add a service side too?

Certainly, an article by researcher and Professor of Marketing at the University of Cologne, Werner Reinartz, in the Harvard Business Review, pointed to the far higher profit margins that could be achieved by adding on a service provision – to the extent it may turn out that the services side is more profitable than the actual products themselves.

Selling services: a whole new ball game

But it’s not simply a case of adding on a service and getting the sales team to start pushing it. Selling is a service that is different to a product. Not only that, but the people you’re selling it to (i.e. the existing ‘product’ contacts) aren’t necessarily the correct people for sales. And, in order to ensure sales effectiveness by getting that company to invest in a service which is a completely new concept you would usually have to go higher up the management chain for approval.

In his studies of more than 20 industrial companies who started adding services to their product offerings Reinartz found that one group had profit margins for those new services which were eight times higher than its product profit margins. However, another company struggled to even break even considering the investment they had put in. Reinartz concluded this was down to the fact they didn’t take enough time to study their sales offering and tried to introduce the services too quickly.

“Successful firms begin slowly, identifying and charging for simple services they already perform and using those to build enthusiasm for adding more-complex ones,” he explained. “They then standardize their delivery processes to be as efficient as their manufacturing ones. As their services become more complex, they ensure that their sales force capabilities keep pace.”

One final step, he pointed out, was to ensure that management switched its focus from the way the company set up and delivered the services, to what the customers needed i.e. if they were having difficulties with a product or it could be made to work more efficiently, then what services could be added in order to make this happen? And what did the company need to ensure they could provide those services?

Essentially Reinartz recognised four key issues to ensure sales effectiveness when adding services to a product offering. These were:

Understanding there is already a service there

The French arm of international pharmaceuticals company Merck never charged for deliveries or insurance. When they did introduce the cost to 100 existing customers as a trial, a huge 90 per cent of them simply paid it. Only 10 per cent queried their higher bill and insisted on reverting. Once the service charges were added to every customers bill, Merck’s profit margins took quite a jump.

Reviewing and monitoring existing services

Air Liquide had the habit of sending all its customers a gas-consumption report. However, on review learned some of them didn’t even bother reading it. The company then stopped producing that service for those customers and increased its profit margins as a result.

Ensures sales are capable of selling services

Services mean longer sales cycles and decisions are made higher up. Schneider Electric encouraged its sales team to focus on cost-plus value-based pricing rather than cost-plus when introducing services. This meant educating them on how their customers’ managers justified decisions internally. In this way the sales team could help the managers ‘sell in’ the services to the decision-makers, increasing their sales effectiveness.

GE Medical Services refer to those in its sales team who sell products as ‘hunters,’ while services sellers are ‘farmers’ i.e. the latter cultivates relationships with customers in order to grow their offering over time.

Looking at customers holistically

Understanding what the customer needs to function can result in increased service offerings as forklift company Fenwick found out. After installing sensors in fork lifts they ended up selling customers new services such as remote monitoring technology and forklift driver training – to the extent their service side today makes up 50 per cent of their profit margin. As a Fenwick spokesman explained: “Whenever we can’t directly break into a customer account with a product, we’ll offer to provide services on a competitor’s product.”


For more information, contact us at WIN Programs. We’ll be happy to help!

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