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Sales Transformation: 3 Necessities for Groundbreaking Sales Performance

Sales Transformation: 3 Necessities for Groundbreaking Sales Performance


Sales transformation has come to be a new frontier in the era of rampant technical and technological shift. This is due to the ever-evolving sales environment, as well as changing communication preferences.

To bring about sales transformation in this day and age requires more than just a good pitch. There are certain measures that need to be taken, in keeping with the times. But it is doable.

The Sales Transformation Trinity

The 3 most vital requirements for effective sales transformation

1)    Using Analytics and Insight to Capture Customer Attention

A majority of customers hold insight and value received through the sales experience, as more valuable than all other aspects such as product, brand, and price-value ratio. Commercial insight is slowly proving to be the Holy Grail for sales professionals, with thought leadership taking the backseat when it comes to conversion and buying action.

This not only alludes to the information which customers are bound to find thought-provoking or interesting, but this insight will compel a customer to change anywhere from a few to all of their working and purchasing practices.

2)    Develop Expert Sellers and Strategically Superior Managers

Training sellers and bringing managers up to speed will continue, especially when the sales environment changes almost every week. These positions need to be engineered with the times and talent needs to be developed steadily.

Companies which focus on their front-line sales professionals will find it difficult to keep up with the plethora of challenges in the near future. To achieve this, a comprehensive training schedule – one which includes the managers as well as sellers – will need to be formulated.

Remember, it’s about tailoring the strategy to the ideal customer, teaching him/her something brand new, and taking effective control of the entire sales process.

3)    Align Customer Buying Processes with Internal Enablement

Sales professionals can’t be expected to remember how each customers buys, which is why it is beneficial to keep buying behaviors aligned with the skills of the sales team. This will make sales transformation the primary concern within the day-to-day sales routine of sales professionals.

Additionally, it will allow the customers to align their purchasing activities with each other, which will aid with better sales performance. Due to increasing population and more people connecting with each other, the amount of opinions and buying practices are more diverse than ever. This is why the more the customers are aligned with the content strategy, demand generation and internal enablement, the more the sales professionals will succeed with set goals.


The right sales ecosystem – one which features spontaneous strategic optimization – consistent managerial and seller training, as well as commercial analytics, are the key to success for sales .

Customers are brighter and more integral to the internal sales process than ever before. If a company can channel that involvement, modify it, and take advantage, it will prove advantageous throughout the year and beyond.


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Do you get lots of “maybe” or “I will think about it” after your first call with prospects?

Do you get lots of “maybe” or “I will think about it” after your first call with prospects?

So far, I have posted a lot of content which tells you about general mistakes in a sales call. Today we are going to talk about the situation when you do everything right but still get a “MAYBE” as an answer.

Most people subconsciously avoid decision making after the first conversation. Every sales guru knows and advises that one needs to adjust their conversation to guide the prospect to come to a decision. This can be tricky as salespeople can become very pushy. So the big question is: how do we guide the conversation while still making the prospect feel like they’re in control?

There is a very simple solution for this: set up an agenda before the meeting. It will align you and your prospect on a plan for the meeting and make sure you’re both on the same page and moving forward together toward one of three outcomes:

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Figuring out the next steps – Future meeting date & agenda

By following the above process, you are avoiding a limbo stage. The main advantage of this process is that you are saving valuable time on the lead follow-ups. This can feel awkward at first but if you practice it in your next meeting and make it your own, you will start seeing positive results that you’ll want to use again and again. If you have any specific questions or suggestions about the implementation of this process, we are here to help!

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Cost Optimization or Cost Cutting?

Cost Optimization or Cost Cutting?

 With the steady increase in inflation around the world, the overall purchasing power of consumers has declined by a huge margin, making it very difficult for businesses to survive in the market. Is cost optimization or cost cutting the solution for companies to keep on their volume and margin?

Yes, optimization costs is the first natural reaction that comes to the C level mind however what they have to realize is that there are other options out there that can help businesses achieve growth. There are many factors that should be considered when deciding on choosing cost optimization.

Here’s some guidelines on different cost optimization strategies and how to implement them into your business module.

Implement strategy changes

Before you start optimizing costs, it’s essential that all of the transactions that take place during the operation of your business are accounted for. The human resource talent are also assessed to select the best team in the back office and the star sales people that will compete in difficult times.

Optimizing cost based on the next 2 to 3 year business strategy is essential. This will help you analyze the different aspects of your business module and where you can make changes to implement the correct strategy. It is vital that you cut costs in such a way that it does not have a detrimental effect on your business. Here are a few options to guide the C level in the right direction:

  • Time consumption of the operations in each department
  • Assessing the ability and potential of sales people to compete in a tough environment.
  • Their ability to be accountable and their desire to do whatever it takes to achieve success.
  • Balancing between back office and front office while focusing on team building and communication.

Drastically change the cost structure

The cost structure of your business refers to all of the fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are those costs that do not fluctuate, such as overhead costs – like rent payments – while variable costs are defined as a cost that varies with output.

In order to drastically change the costs structure, you have to consider all of your fixed and variable costs and see if there is any chance of reducing the overall operating costs of your business. For example, focus on your production cycle. See if it is possible to purchase your raw materials from a different vendor that charges less, or reduce the fixed costs by moving the business to another location where the rent is lower.

Meeting the economy of scale

One of the most important challenges to consider is to try to minimize the cost of purchasing to be able to meet the pressure on retail prices.  The economy of scale will be met through re-negotiating the deals that customers will take advantage of because of a better price offering.  Since costs have decreased, you can offer your product at more exciting prices which might help you maintain or increase sales.

Have in mind that not all incremental strategies will get you the desired results, especially if while designing it you don’t closely take into consideration competition, new entrants to the market and parallel business activity that might affect your business strategy.

Redesign or reorganize

This is an important question to ask when deciding on how to implement cost optimization strategies. Many companies fail to execute such strategies as it tends to be difficult to apply a new design in an operating business module.

In order to survive in today’s market, it is imperative that businesses adapt their internal business structure to make sure that they are operating at an optimum level with no excessive costs. First, you have to determine what aspects of your business are ineffective, such as work flows. Then, you have to implement strategies that will improve efficiency in order to reduce costs.

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Fantastic Pharma Consultative Selling

A Fantastic Pharma Consultative Selling Training Day

Growth strategies are achieved by competitive edge and the Sales Team’s efforts.

Kettaneh pharma is investing in its most important resource, its Sales Force to address the market, with the latest Consultative Selling Techniques, in order to significantly increase its market Share.

Kettaneh Sales Team is, Energetic, Motivated , Forward thinking under the leadership of a committed and driven Manager.


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WIN Sales & Marketing Programs Working Hard With BML Bank

WIN Sales & Marketing Programs Working Hard With BML Bank

At a recent training in Lebanon, WIN Sales & Marketing Programs worked with BML Bank delivering classroom training.  The response and engagement were fantastic – everyone was working so hard to learn their skills and do the exercises!

Exercises are a group event…

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Fantastic Pharma Consultative Selling
WIN Sales & Marketing Programs Working Hard With BML Bank