Why Your Company Needs an In-House Sales Academy for Unmatched Growth?

Did you know that investing in professional skills can boost your sales by 20%?
Yet, many companies struggle to provide the right resources for their global teams. That’s where the Sales Academy comes in.
Think of it like learning to cook at home versus dining out. Our Sales Academy offers all the tools and recipes your team needs to succeed. Want to drive growth, laun ...

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6 main reason why salespeople can either be weak or strong

6 Self-limiting beliefs, though unseen, are the main reason why salespeople can either be weak or strong.
In the world of sales, self-limiting beliefs can be a major obstacle to success. These beliefs are negative thoughts or perceptions that salespeople hold about themselves, their abilities, or the sales process. They often act as mental barriers that prevent individuals f ...

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Uncover the 6 Sales Silent Killers that Sabotage Your Sales Goals

Uncover the 6 Silent Killers that Sabotage Your Sales Goals and How to Overcome Them
Uncover the 6 Sales Silent Killers that Sabotage Your Sales Goals and How to Overcome Them
Setting and achieving sales goals is crucial for any business striving for success. Sales goals provide a clear direction and purpose, guiding sales teams towards specific targets. They serve as a roadm ...

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8 reasons why account managers fail growing their accounts

Why do account managers sometimes fail growing their accounts?
Account managers play a key role in the success of any business. They are responsible for managing customer relationships, ensuring customer satisfaction, and driving sales. However, many account managers struggle to grow their accounts to their full potential. There are several reasons that may contribute to thi ...

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The 6 biggest sales trends happening in 2023!

Here are some of the 6 biggest sales trends for the coming 5 years at least
This can help businesses build stronger relationships with their customers, improve customer retention rates, and increase their sales revenue. Additionally, providing a seamless sales process across all touchpoints can improve the customer experience and ultimately lead to higher customer satisfaction ...

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The Four Stages of SME’S Growth and the Challenges Faced by CEOs

What are the 4 Stages of SME Growth and What Challenges do CEOs Face at Each Stage?
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) have a unique set of challenges when it comes to growth. CEOs of SMEs must understand the 4 stages of growth in order to successfully manage their businesses and achieve success. Statistics show that 29% of start-ups fail because they run out of cash an ...

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How to Predict New Sales Hire Success?

What is the most accurate pre-hiring sales assessment that select closers and How Does it Help Predict New Sales Hire Success?
The Objective Management Group (OMG) is a leading provider of sales hiring assessments. It helps companies predict the success of new sales hires by assessing their skills and qualities. The Pre-hiring Sales Assessment uses a variety of techniques to e ...

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How intent data can unlock powerful sales opportunities and drive business growth?

What is Intent Data and How Can It Help Increase Sales Opportunities?
Intent data is a powerful tool that can help businesses gain insight into their customers’ buying behavior. It provides sales people and marketers with valuable information. Content their customers are interested in and when they are likely to make a purchase.
By understanding customer intent, business ...

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How Implementing a Value-Based Selling Approach Will Increase Your Company Sales?

How Implementing a Value-Based Selling Approach Will Increase Your Company Sales?

As a CEO, you know that the key to a successful business is to increase sales. One of the most effective ways to do this is to adopt a value-based selling approach. With this approach, you can focus on the value that you can offer customers, rather than just on the price of the product or servic ...

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Preparing for the Future: B2B Sales Growth Opportunities with Anticipatory Strategies

What is B2B Sales & What Challenges Does it Present Today?
B2B sales is a complex process.  Building relationships with customers and convincing them to purchase your products or services is not anymore an easy process. It requires sales representatives to have a deep understanding of the customer’s needs. It need a tailored approach to each client need.
Are you are fac ...

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5 Steps to Grow Sales by 33% in 12 Months

5 Steps to Grow Sales by 33% in 12 Months
Sales teams go through periods like this too but sales leaders rarely seek out the data that would immediately point to the real problem.  They tend to hope things will improve and go from there. However, there are several levels of data to be reviewed so let’s take a look.
there are five steps you must take to grow sales by 33% ...

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Understanding – What Ditch Diggers and Salespeople Have in Common!

Understanding – What Ditch Diggers and Salespeople Have in Common!
“Using competency-based, job-specific assessment technology is an absolute must for anyone looking to up-level their hiring. Getting beyond the interview and into the heart and soul of your candidates can give you a truer gauge of can they do the job and thrive as a member of your team.
With a ...

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